How to Set Your Hybrid CX Team Up For Success

If implemented correctly, a hybrid work schedule can improve employee satisfaction, productivity, and work-life balance. This is why more companies than ever before are offering remote and hybrid positions. A hybrid work schedule can give employees the flexibility they need to balance their work and…
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Company Spotlight: A People Person

In today’s world, customer service is more important than ever before. With so many businesses competing for our attention, it’s the little things that can make all the difference. And one of the most important things is having a customer service team that is genuinely…
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What It Takes To Be The Best Place To Work

From the start, DiRAD Technologies has always been about delivering amazing products and services, but never at the expense of our workforce. We always strive to make our employees feel valued, respected, and appreciated. Our culture is one where we encourage everyone to feel free…
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Company Spotlight: Supporting Your Team

At DiRAD, we do our best to be supportive of the people on our team. In or outside of work, we are always looking for them to succeed. That’s why each month we like to check in and highlight those that are doing great things….
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How To Use Technology For Emergency Preparedness

Volatile weather, public health emergencies, and the like are situations that we’re always doing our best to prepare for. There’s a lot of moving pieces when situations like this arise. Whatever can be automated should, so that emergency responders can focus on the tasks that…
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Company Spotlight: Stay Curious

DiRAD is very selective with who we bring into the family. We only choose the best of the best! To show how much we value our team we do a monthly Company Spotlight to highlight those doing great things. This month’s Company Spotlight is focused…
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How To Slow The Rise Of Negative Customer Interactions

Dealing with irate customers? Increase in negative interactions? We’ve noticed signage, like the one pictured, popping up lately in more doctors’ offices and stores discouraging poor behavior with customer service representatives. A lot of businesses are doing their best to cut those interactions off before…
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Company Spotlight: Vice President of DiRAD

Company Spotlights are where we highlight the amazing individuals who make DiRAD great. In honor of our webinar later this month, we wanted to check in with one of the panelists who will be featured — our very own Vice President, John Michne! How long…
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How Data and AI Will Make Your Citizens Love You

Who knew that the keys to your citizens’ hearts would lie with technology? We did! AI is being discussed more now than ever before. The potential for it to optimize the lives of ordinary people has yet to be fully explored, but when it comes…
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Company Spotlight: Leading With Compassion

At DiRAD we strive to create a work environment that our employees are not only comfortable in, but want to keep coming back to. To show how much we value our team we do a monthly Company Spotlight to highlight those doing great things. This…
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