Company Spotlight: Outdoorsmen of DiRAD

In today’s digital world, it’s easy to get caught up in the glow of our screens. But for many employees at DiRAD, the workday ends with a trade for fresh air and wide-open space. This isn’t just about personal preference, movement and hobbies like walking,…
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Company Spotlight: Musicians of DiRAD

In the quiet hum of daily life, many find solace and passion in activities pursued outside of work or obligation. Among these pursuits, music stands out as a rewarding hobby for countless individuals. From the rhythmic tap of a drum to the soaring melody of…
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Reaching Out: Avoiding Burnout

In today’s fast-paced work environment, feeling overwhelmed and overworked is not uncommon. Burnout, often described as feeling mentally exhausted and emotionally drained, is a serious issue that can significantly impact your well-being and productivity. Here at DiRAD Technologies, we have open conversations about mental health…
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Company Spotlight: Travelers of DiRAD

It’s easy to get bogged down by everyday responsibilities, but it’s important to make time for yourself and the things that bring you joy. Hobbies can offer an escape, as well as an opportunity for adventure. We encourage our DiRAD Team to embrace their hobbies,…
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Company Spotlight: Home Chefs of DiRAD

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get bogged down by work, errands, and responsibilities. But what about those moments when you crave a break, a chance to unwind and recharge? That’s where hobbies come in! These enjoyable activities offer a surprising amount of benefits,…
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Company Spotlight: Readers of DiRAD

The world is a crazy place and we think it’s more important than ever to have hobbies. Hobbies are more than just a way to pass time; they offer many different life enriching benefits, like stress relief, increased happiness, or skill development. They offer an…
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Company Spotlight: Staying Active at DiRAD

New year, new hobby? We here at DiRAD think having a hobby is more important than ever in a time that feels like people are surrounded by stress. Hobbies are more than just a way to pass time; they offer many different life enriching benefits,…
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Company Spotlight: DnD Players of DiRAD

The world is a crazy place and we think it’s more important than ever to have hobbies. Hobbies are more than just a way to pass time; they offer many different life enriching benefits, like stress relief, increased happiness, skill development, or even physical fitness….
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Company Spotlight: DiRAD Holiday Traditions

The mission behind our monthly Company Spotlight blogs is to highlight the amazing people who work at DiRAD. In honor of the holiday season, we thought we’d poll everyone on some of their favorite holiday traditions and opinions. Eggnog 53.8% said leave it off the…
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Spotlight on Holiday Donations In The Capital Region

Part of DiRAD’s mission, beyond creating amazing customer experiences (CX) for all of our clients, is to leave a positive impact on the community we live in. That’s why we’re always looking for ways to give back throughout the year. Most recently, we sponsored the…
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