In today’s digital world, it’s easy to get caught up in the glow of our screens. But for many employees at DiRAD, the workday ends with a trade for fresh air and wide-open space. This isn’t just about personal preference, movement and hobbies like walking, hiking, or swimming, play a crucial role in maintaining physical and mental well-being, ultimately leading to a more engaged and productive person.

This month’s Group Company Spotlight is about Outdoorsmen of DiRAD!

What got you interested in enjoying the outdoors?

Madison J: I grew up playing sports.

Kathy C: As a kid, I grew up in the country.  We were always outside. Some of my favorite memories were of finding a quiet place in the woods and just listening to the sounds of nature.

Kirsten B: I used to spend the summers camping in Schroon Lake, it was something I had done since I was born.  Growing up and spending summers in the lake water, on the beach, floating in a tube. What’s not to love?

What activities/hobbies do you enjoy that gets you out in the sunshine?

MJ: Walking is my #1 outdoor activity.

KC: Walking, kayaking, being in or on a lake, just taking the time to relax and soak up Mother Nature.

KB: Swimming, being able to go to amusement parks and traveling to different Zoos.

What’s your favorite thing about that activity?

MJ: Getting outside in the sun is everything to me. I try to get out a few times a day, and it’s my time of peace throughout the day!

KC: The peacefulness when I want to relax and be deep in thought and the ability to use any of them for exercise.

KB: Just being outside really, it’s open, you can move freely.

Are there any goals you’re working towards in your hobby?

MJ: Exploring more on foot! Trying out some new trails and views.

KC: No goals, just de-stress or get the endorphins going.

KB: I started creating a checklist of zoos I’d like to visit this summer, the majority are out of state.

What do you wish more people knew about your hobby?

MJ: No matter what is going on throughout your busy day, taking a few minutes to yourself outside will pull you back to center and make you more productive because of it.

KC: How great they’ll feel during and after any of the activities.

KB: You’re not competing in the Ironman Triathlon or hiking the ADK 46.

If anyone is curious about starting, where do you think they should begin?

MJ: Simply step outside and get moving!!!

KC: If you are interested in kayaking, talk to someone who kayaks, ask if you can go along and have them show you how to enter the water and paddle. Go down to the water and watch others/ask questions.

KB: Anywhere really! Find something you like doing and do it.

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