Public Transit agencies have the monumental task of managing buses, trains, light rail and paratransit for a rapidly-increasing number of riders, all while keeping costs down and customers happy.

Our suite of communications products and services helps agencies achieve this goal by offering omnichannel-enabled solutions including contact center, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Virtual Assistants.

Contact Center Automation

DiRAD’s contact center solutions ensure that the whole Customer Experience stays positive throughout the customer’s interaction with your agency. In public transit, real-time information is key, and DiRAD realizes this. We provide solutions that allow customers to interact with your staff via voice, web chat, email, SMS and social media.

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Interactive Voice Response

DiRAD’s IVR for Transit solution leverages the best in natural speech recognition from Google and Artificial Intelligence from IBM Watson to provide real-time information to callers, who can interact naturally with the system. Features of DiRAD IVR include:

  • Static or Real-Time integration with your local GTFS feed
  • Instant transit alerts to customer’s mobile phone via email or text
  • Natural Language Recognition that works even in noisy (i.e. train platform) environments
  • Web Dashboard that is an easy-to-use tool for reports, administration, and recording review
  • Chat and SMS interaction support
  • Multiple language support
  • Fully customized
  • Scheduling and Reminder System For Paratransit services

Enhance Your Communication

Chatbots & Virtual Assistants

In order to control costs while providing 24×7 services, public transit agencies can take advantage of Virtual Assistants, aka Chatbots, which leverage Artificial Intelligence to interact with your riders. DiRAD’s solutions using IBM Watson and Google AI provide automated customer services that offer natural language interactions. Features of our Virtual Assistants include:

  • Fully customized for your agency
  • Data integration including backend, GTFS, and proprietary
  • Multiple languages and translation on-the-fly
  • Constantly updated and tuned
  • Web Dashboard for reports and administration
  • Live transfer support

Build Your Solution

Public Transit Client Projects

Hampton Roads Transit

DiRAD provided a next-generation Interactive Voice Response (IVR) solution powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) specifically for telephone users, which would accept natural language commands and filter out background noise.

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