We always say that the most important part of our company is people. The people who make magic happen for our clients and the people we make magic for. That’s why we take care in selecting who we bring on – we need the right people to find the right people. In this month’s Company Spotlight, we’re highlighting the newest member of our HR team, Kirsten!

How long have you been at DiRAD?

2 months!

What is your favorite thing about technology?

That’s tough! I love that technology allows me to keep in touch with people I’ve met all throughout my life.

What inspired you to get into your field?

I love team building and the ability to change how employees view their work environment.

Apart from your phone, what is your favorite piece of technology?

I’d be lost without my Nintendo Switch.

What are some of your favorite hobbies?

I love reading, video games, and documentaries.

What word would you use to describe the company culture at DiRAD?


Tell us a little about your life outside of work.

Outside of work, I like to take Ellie (my 1-year-old) out and do new things, whether it’s shopping or going to a zoo.

What’s your favorite quote?

“Progress, not perfection.”

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