Ever wonder how important your customer service team is?

Spoiler….it’s more important than you think.

As business owners, we all know that acquiring a new customer can cost significantly more than keeping an existing customer. However, customer service is often the weakest point in a business, costing billions of dollars per year. Most of the issues happen in the customer support center. And we aren’t talking about just phone calls. Customers now have multiple channels to reach out to customers they do business with including social media, email, chat, and text messages.

How you respond to their inquiries and complaints can be the difference between a returning customer and one that heads to your competitors. In fact, 33% of Americans say they will consider switching companies after only one instance of poor service, and more than 50% have scrapped a planned purchase due to bad service.  Learn more about the costs of bad customer service in the full infographic below.

Leverage Unified Communications to Improve Customer Service

So how do you up your customer service game to keep your customers happy? Customers want an easy, friendly, and fast experience. They are also looking for options on how to interact with you. Gone are the days of just offering email and phone calls during business hours as a way of communicating. Customers expect to be able to reach out 24/7 and via email, phone call, text, or chat. Unified communication solutions allow you to meet and exceed your customer expectations to improve customer loyalty and improve the bottom line.

Whether you choose to implement your communication technologies in-house or outsource to a contact center, it is important to partner with the right communications expert. It is not enough to simply have the capabilities to chat with a customer on their preferred platform, at any time. The implementation must be done right for a frictionless customer experience. This is particularly important if you are utilizing AI technologies such as IVR. Partnering with the right company can steer you in the right direction and ensure that the implementation of these various technologies improves your customer experience.

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