The Board of Elections (BoE) in the City of New York is responsible for voter registration, outreach, operating poll sites, voter education, and many other tasks, for all five boroughs of the City. To say they need to be able to handle a large volume of calls and other inquiries during election cycles would be an understatement.

The Challenge: Manage Increase In Customer Interactions During Peak Times

With over 1,300 poll sites and 3.5 million voters, the Board needed to manage the spikes in calls, emails, and web visits during election periods. During a general election alone, there may be as many as 20,000 calls into the Board’s main office in Manhattan, plus additional call traffic in the five boroughs.

The Solution: Multi-Site Contact Center Solution

Utilizing the PureConnect solution from Genesys, DiRAD implemented a multi-site contact center solution in Manhattan and Staten Island. To ensure uptime and mitigate outages, the two locations are both fully staffed and survivable independently in the event of a site outage. The Board recently added Web Chat handling capability, which routes live web inquiries directly to call center agents in addition to phone calls. Email queuing is also being utilized, which routes email inquiries to agents much like calls and chats.

The Results: Improved Customer Service And Ready For Even More Interactions

With the call center platform and Web Chat up and running the BoE:

  • Has dramatically improved customer service by reducing hold times, and providing multilingual self-service to citizens 24×7.
  • Has increased staff accountability using PureConnect’s monitoring and reporting capabilities.
  • Is ready for the future and the many ways people interact with government agencies.

Some of the features of this integrated communications solution include:

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