Before you entirely write off an outsourced contact center, we want to explain all the unforeseen costs associated with doing it yourself. You know you need to step up your customer service. That’s why you’re reading this article! But do you know what it takes to make a contact center efficient and accessible to all your customers? What costs are involved? You might be surprised to know that outsourcing is much more affordable than you think.

Recruiting Costs

The state of the world right now is causing labor shortages and inflation to skyrocket – driving  up recruiting costs. The time and resources you must spend on advertising, screening, interviewing, and hiring means you’re spending money before the first employee walks through the door. Outsourcing eliminates this cost entirely.

Customers Need More

It’s no longer enough to provide a contact phone number. Customers are demanding access by multiple channels in addition to voice, including SMS, webchat, email, and instant messaging. The technology and software required to efficiently offer such channels requires a significant investment in both time and money. As a contact center outsourcer ourselves, DiRAD has already made the investment. We can leverage the world-class Genesys Cloud CX software to run your campaign.

Working From Home

More and more employees are looking for work from home positions. The technology investment along with the required know-how adds considerable cost. DiRAD has the expertise and technology already in place. We share this know-how with you, the customer, and you get a real-time view into our agents’ performance. Our dashboards provide the reporting you need to feel comfortable with the work provided.

Hardware Costs

Training and monitoring work from home agents is half the financial battle. There are also the costs of hardware to consider – and they’re higher than you might expect. Each agent requires, at a minimum, a PC or laptop, and often multiple monitors. Don’t forget to add the cost of headsets/phones, PC software, and the staff time to support the gear… The bill can rack up faster than you think. With outsourcing, this is a headache you don’t have to worry about.

Flexible Staffing

It’s not easy to quickly add and remove staff. Adding employees to accommodate busy periods is hard enough without the additional hassle of terminations. DiRAD allows you to adjust staffing costs as your needs change.

Putting together your own contact center is entirely possible, but you could quickly become overwhelmed with unforeseen costs and problems to solve. With an outsourced contact center, you can sit back and watch the reports come in on your amazing customer service team. You’ll notice the difference when you see the positive reviews pour in on your social media and Google reviews. Contact us today to have a custom contact center stack developed just for your company.

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