Tensions are high during the holiday season, so it’s up to you to make sure your Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) are equipped with everything they need to keep moods merry. A combination of technology and knowledgeable CSRs will enable that. Below are the various ways you can avoid the dreaded Holiday CX Nightmare.

Send Out Your Sales, And Check Them Twice

Send Mass Notifications to Customers

Communicate with your customers. Head off any customer experience issues by presenting your products and sales clearly and on multiple channels. With services like DiRAD’s Mass Notification you can rapidly send voice calls, text messages, and emails to your lists.

Put Your AI Elves to Work

Setup A Chatbot

Chabots act as a filter for more complex issues that they can then feed to your CSRs. They can collect important information from the customer and easily pass them to a live agent for a seamless transition. This is highly preferable to long wait times. During the holidays, fuses can be short, so making sure that customers are constantly moving through their journey and being heard, will be more likely for a positive CX outcome.

Another huge bonus – chatbots can be available 24/7!

The Phones Will Be Jingling

Set Up Automated Call Handling

Interactive Voice Response Solutions have come a long way from robotic voices and touchpad phone trees. The only trees people care about this time of year are the ones decorated in their living room, so give your customers a first interaction that feels more genuine.

With DiRAD’s Natural Language IVRs, you will be able to improve customer service, minimize risk, manage growth, and respond 24×7, all while keeping your investments to a minimum. DiRAD’s SmartSpeech IVR is like having a chatbot that functions via voice, as well as chat. This allows your customers to speak in plain language on the phone with your automated attendant as if it were a live agent.

Give Your CSR’s A Little Magic

Use AI/Data to Make Better CX

Personalizing the customer journey is key to making them feel seen and heard. Make sure that your CSRs are equipped with the information they need as soon as they say “hello”. Technology today – which is basically magic – enables that, making it easier than ever to connect.

There are now “smart advisor” bots that can help your CSRs in real-time. They “listen” to conversations and offer suggestions for relevant responses, as well as providing the most consistent, accurate, and up-to-date information.

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