Call centers have made some large changes over the past decade. They have evolved from a necessary cost-center with entry-level staff, to an important driver of brand differentiation, revenue generation, and customer satisfaction. If you haven’t upgraded your call center experience, you are falling behind the curve.

Adopting voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) technology can transform your call center. Call center owners will love the noticeable cost savings as a result of switching to a hosted PBX solution, and customers and call center agents will love the variety of features that are just not possible for call centers relying on older phone systems. Let’s take a closer look at what VoIP is and how it can take your call center to the next level.

What is VoIP?

VoIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol. It is also frequently called internet calling, IP telephony, and voice over network. Whatever term you choose to use, the technology allows you to make phone calls via a broadband internet connection rather than through a traditional telephone line.

Advantages of VoIP Over Traditional Phone Services

By utilizing your internet to transmit and receive calls, VoIP offers more advanced features and flexibility than a traditional phone service ever could. Below is a breakdown of some of the advantages VoIP phone systems can offer your call center.

Minimize Call Center Overhead with Lower Costs

Call centers utilizing traditional phone services are expensive to set up and operate due to the high cost of transmission lines, equipment, phones, and calling rates. And let’s not forget additional costs for future upgrades and expansions. It all adds up quick and can eat into your Call Center’s profitability fast.

In contrast, VoIP services for call centers are cheaper than most landline options. By utilizing your existing internet infrastructure rather than adding a new system or additional hardware you can save big on the initial set-up. The internet-based technology also allows vendors to offer lower monthly subscriptions, which means a lower monthly bill. In fact, switching to a VoIP service can save your call center up to 40%. Plus, the digital service continuously upgrades, which means you don’t need to shell out major dough for an infrastructure overhaul just to keep up with the latest technology.

Integration of Unified Communications for Better Customer Service

Communicating with customers on whatever platform they prefer is easy with VoIP technology. This cloud-based technology allows call centers to easily integrate unified communications into their call center. This allows call center agents to interact with customers via email, instant messaging, SMS and other web-based communication methods in addition to voice. Try doing all of that with a traditional phone service.

Customizable & Flexible Options for Call Center Growth

Since calls are routed through the Internet, call center agents have the flexibility to work from wherever, as long as an Internet connection is available. The opportunity to build a remote team can keep overhead costs down even as you expand, and improve employee retention.

Your VoIP software also allows for a great deal of customization. Want to customize your on-hold music or messages? Add multi-lingual or self-serve menus? All of these personalizations are possible and can take your call center to the next level.

Utilize IVR Technology to Handle Increased Call Volumes

By choosing a VoIP system, call centers can leverage technology like Interactive Voice Response (IVR) to manage high volumes of inbound calls. This allows customers to do some of the work for themselves and leaves your call center agents free to handle more complicated questions or requests. IVR systems can handle basic requests such as paying bills, finding out account information, routing to the right department, or finding our store hours and locations.

Implementing IVR at your call center can extend your customer support to 24 hours for these basic requests and can take voicemails for live agents to return to during regular operating hours. Check out how the NYC Board of Elections utilized IVR for the call center to handle spikes in calls during election season.

Improve Call Center Efficiency with Reporting & Monitoring Tools

VoIP technology also has some great reporting and monitoring tools that are ideal for training new staff, improving call quality, and identify better ways to serve customers. For instance, supervisors can listen in on calls to make sure the right approach is used to address customer’s needs. Similarly, new employees can listen in on calls for training purposes without the customer knowing he or she is on the phone. Call center VoIP solutions also offer a customizable dashboard that can display employee-centric figures such as:

  • Call times
  • Average time to answer
  • Availability
  • Missed call percentages
  • And more

This useful monitoring tool allows call center managers to oversee their workforce and keep efficiency high.

VoIP technology can also integrate with Outlook, CRMs and other applications, allowing managers to keep track of business relationships. For instance, by integrating your call center solution with a CRM you can track which customers have called more than once about the same problem. Or you can keep track of how many times a promising lead called. By monitoring these relationship-centric KPIs, managers can monitor and streamline sales, customer service, and other processes.

Customize Your VoIP Call Center Solution with DiRAD Technologies

The affordability of VoIP communication software provided by DiRAD Technologies enables call centers of all sizes the ability to offer their callers sophisticated communication services and ultimately a higher level of customer service. Since 1984 DiRAD has offered innovative communication solutions to complex problems. If you are interested in making the switch to a VoIP call center solution, let’s chat!

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